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Make money online

Best online job ever

Make money online without investment

Now a days many people are working from home and making money on-line. Some of the method are very effective making enough money for your daily expenses. Some only add a little on your regular earning. Online job should be chosen based on your knowledge and expertise. Online coding, designing job require little to vast knowledge in the related field while some online job like data entry, online survey only require basic typing and computer skills. Here are some of the best method to work online, choose wisely and earn some extra bucks.

19 Jobs to work from home

1. Blogging
If you're a passionate closet writer who wants to be published but can't find a way to do so, make each keystroke your way to wealth by penning your own blog. Starting a blog doesn't require extensive technical skills but it's important that you have expertise in the field you are writing on. This will attract visitors to your site. Building a large following will enable you to earn profit by luring advertisers, writing paid reviews or getting commissions for promoting other people's products.

2. Paid Writing
If maintaining a blog is difficult for you but you still want to indulge your passion for writing, you can jot down articles for other blogs or sites such as Weblogs, Helium or PayPerPost. Writing an e-book can also be a good option. E-books are investment free, with no cost for printing and shipping. If you have a strong command over languages, you can become a copy editor, where Webmasters will pay you to read articles and correct grammatical errors, sentence fragments, etc.
 Click here... List of website to make money online.

3.Teach Online
The demand for tutors is high and growing. So, if you like helping others learn, e-teaching could be the earning ticket for you. All you need to become an online tutor is expertise in your subject and a few spare hours per week. TutorVista, e-tutor, SmartThinking and are some of the sites you can enroll with. If you gain a good reputation as a coach, you could even conduct Webinars-lectures or seminars transmitted over the Net.

4.Affiliate Reseller
For those who have the knack of selling, one of the best way to make money online is to become an affiliate/reseller. An affiliate is a person who gets a commission for selling every product that he promotes, whether on his Website or through any other avenue such as eBay. You don't have to own the product. You only need to sign up for an affiliate program with a company and start selling its products under your referral link. Firms such as Commission Junction or Click Bank have a large pool of products.

5.Virtual Assistant
Small businesses always need help in running their processes, but may not be willing to hire a full-time employee. As a virtual assistant, you are expected to perform practically any administrative task that a traditional secretary or assistant would, such as make travel reservations, handle expense reimbursements or pay bills. You can do it from the comfort of your home, interacting with clients either online or by phone. Your expertise will decide how much money you make.

6. Advertising
You can sell space on your Website or blog for advertisements and you earn when these ads are clicked by visitors to your site. The sorting and placing of ads is free. The profitability of pay-per-click advertising depends on the traffic level of the Website and, most importantly, on the clickthrough rate and cost per click. Google AdSense is the most popular option, while others are BidVertiser, Text Link Ads and Blogads. Direct banner and RSS feed are some other forms of online advertising.

7. Freelancing for Others
Freelancing is a great option for professionals who are experts in their respective trades and know how to ensure customer satisfaction. Various freelancing and project-oriented sites allow companies that need help to describe their projects. Freelancers and small businesses offer bids, ideas or proposals, from which the buyers can choose what they find most suitable. Websites such as Elance cover everything from programming and writing to data entry and design, while RentACoder focuses on software programming.

8. Online Marketing
Once a Website is created and optimised for search engine (SEO), the SEM or Search Engine Marketing begins.  An SEO/SEM expert, who is responsible for marketing a Website, can promote it in various ways. These include article marketing, writing press releases, forum posting, blog posting, submitting your site to directories and search engines, social bookmarking, etc. Most companies don't do this in-house and pay you to conduct the SEM for them.

9. Online Data Entry/Typing Jobs                                                                                                A data entry jobs could be a best choice for you because its one of the simple way to earn money using your computer. It does not matter what is your age or qualification. If you are seriously looking for a job which is less skilled then becoming a data entry operator is best for you.
10. Selling Photos                                                                                                                                   If you enjoy photography and are good with a camera, you could be sitting on a huge reserve of revenue. There are people who will be interested in your collection of images. Nowadays, it's easy to take your photos to the public, providing a convenient way to build a secondary income stream. Many stock photo agencies, such as Fotolia, Dreamstime and Shutterstock, offer incentives for people to earn from their photos.

11. Making Videos and Uploading on Youtube
If there's a dramatic performer hidden inside you who craves applause and adulation, upload yourself on YouTube. You can be a filmmaker, musician, Trainer or comedian who wants a wider audience. Your earnings will come from ads displayed on your video page. This process is similar to the pay-per-click advertising program common to other Websites and blogs. 

12. Online Transcription Job
Transcription involves making written copies of oral material dictated by doctors or other medical experts. These may include history and physical reports, clinical notes, consultation notes, reports, letters, psychiatric evaluation and so on. The dictated material needs to be transcribed swiftly and accurately, which is the most challenging aspect of the job. To become a medical transcriptionist, you need to have a good knowledge of medical terminology and a high typing speed along with accuracy.
13. Online Survey
Online survey is one of the best online job where you have to fill the survey firm for the company and you can earn based on the time consumed for the survey. You can earn anywhere bwtween $1 to $10 based on the survey.
14. Buying Selling Domains
Buying and selling domain names is another way to make money online and requires very little investment or time. You can buy domains at their registration prices or even cheaper and trade them at a profit. However, always research on sites such as,, or other domain auction sites to get an estimate of the hottest selling names. The best way to find good ones is to use terminated domain lists, which contain several expired names that are back in the pool.

15. Online Paid Review of Websites/Products
One of the best way of working online is reviewing products. You can review products, services, book, movies and every products available.

16. Researching for Others
It is similar to the freelancing job only difference is you have to conduct research.

17. Online Micro Jobs
Oneline micro job is the job where you have to perform and complete the small task. You can earn anywhere between $5 to $10 or more based on the task you are performing.

18. Online Mock Jury
You can work as the mock online jury and express your opinion on the ongoing case. You can make good amount of money acting as the mock jury.

19. GPT Programme                                                                                                                          GPT or Get-paid-to sites are becoming increasingly popular among teens. You get paid for signing up for free Websites, newsletters, playing games and filling out online surveys. These are suitable for people who don't have a skill set but want to earn extra money. Taking online surveys is simple- register with a few legitimate, PAID SURVEY sites and answer questions. The topics range from shopping to politics. This might not help you make a living, but you can earn good pocket money. Contests2win is one of the trusted GPT Websites.

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