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These Amazing Borders Between The Countries Will Blow Your Mind.

Have you ever been to a border between countries? Have you ever wondered what it looks like?
Definitely there would be lots of security personnels, tight security and check post. But this collection will definitely change all your thinking about the border between the countries. In these pictures the border only means the symbolic line between the countries. Let's start the list and change our all stereotypes  about the border.
These 12 Borders Between Countries Shatter All Stereotypes. Yeah, Seriously!!!
#1. Nepal - China
Mountain Everest stands between the Nepal and China.

 #2. Argentina — Brazil — Paraguay
Three borders, Argentina on the left, Brazil on the right, Paraguay in the middle.

#3. Belgium — Netherlands
 Enter a cafe in Belgium and leave it in netherlands.

#4. Germany — Netherlands
The border between Germany and the Netherlands is marked with a metal strip in the Eurode business center. It takes a week to reach a letter from one mail box to other on other side.

#5. Russia — United States
 This is an island between Russia and the United States. The island is only 35 km away from both Chukotka and Alaska but the difference in time is 21 hours.

#6. Canada — United States
  The border between Canada and United States passes through a town called Derby Line — right through the buildings.

#7. China — Mongolia
 You can see two Dragons kissing on the border between China and Mongolia.

#8. Sweden — Finland
 You can play golf on the border of Sweden- Finland

#9. Brazil — Uruguay
The border between these countries takes place directly on the sidewalk. Brazil — on the left, Uruguay — on the right.

#10. Norway — Sweden

 Beautiful Slope between these two country.

#11. Germany — Czech Republic
 Simply a breathtaking view.

#12. Poland — Ukraine
This giant fish ’trespassing’ the border between Poland and Ukraine symbolizes the border between these countries. Creator — Polish artist Jarosław Koziara.

So what do you think about these borders? Do not forget to mention on the comments and sharing with your friends and families.

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