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Cool and Awesome GOOGLE Tips And Tricks...

Most Amazing GOOGLE tricks ever !!!

Google is the most famous search engine we ever know. We do a lot of important search on Google and it has helped us on our daily activity. Google does not only provide search facilities, it provides lot of other services, Google offers lot of other interesting stuffs.
There are some very interesting search trick you should know. This makes your search more interesting, cool and funny.

1. Barrel Roll
Yes, Google will do a barrel roll for you. Type "Do a barrel roll" without"then Google will rotate once. It not much useful but you can impress your friends. Once it was a worldwide trend on twitter. Try once and you will do it again and again.

2. Goglogo
If you've ever want to see the home page with your name in the Google font at the top of the search page then try typing "Goglogo" and clicking "I'm Feeling Lucky". Then simply type your name ang hit enter. Cool isn't it???
3. Google mentalplex
Type "Google mentalplex" and hit "I'm Feeling lucky". It is an experiment started on April Fool’s day to make people fool.

4. The number of horns of a unicorn
Did you know that if you type any math equation into Google, it will not only answer it for you, but provide you an on-line calculator for all your other nerdy formulas, too? Try it out.
5. Blink Tag
On search box type"Blink tag" and hit enter and then see the magic.All the search results will appear as if they’re blinking. Go impress your girl with this hack!

6.Rainbow Google
Type "Rainbow Google" and click on "I'm Feeling Lucky" then rainbow search page will open with colorful texts. Try it.

7.Annoying Google
Type "Annoying Google" and hit "I'm Feeling Lucky" then Google will take you to the new search page ""Annoying Google" and this is really aNnoyInG.
8. Google Sphere
A fun-filled page created by Google. Type "Google sphere"and hit "I'm feeling lucky". What this page does is,it forms a sphere and starts to rotate all over the screen. Google Sphere images search really looks cool with this effect.

9. Google Gravity
This is similar as Google Sphere the only difference is instead of spinning around, objects and text are pull down due to the gravity. Try this when your friends are around. It will be fun.

10.  Zerg rush
Typing “zerg rush” (a term referring to an alien race that attack in swarms in the video game “StarCraft”) into the search causes a bunch of Google “o”s to attack your page and eventually destroy it. But you can fight back by clicking the “o”s and then share your score on Google+.

11. Epic Google
Type "Epic Google" and then click "I'm Feeling lucky".This one gives a wider and bigger look of Google,and it grows bigger and bigger but it doesn't look exactly like how the real Google looks.
12. Google Pirate & More Language
Try these strange languages on the Google.
  • To View Google Mew: Type ‘ewmew fudd‘ and click “I’m Feeling Lucky”.
  • To View Google Hacker: Type ‘Google hacker‘ and click “I’m Feeling Lucky”.
  • To View Google Klingon: Type ‘Google Klingon‘ and click “I’m Feeling Lucky”.
  • To View Google Piglatin: Type ‘Google Piglatin‘ and click “I’m Feeling Lucky”.
  • To View Google Bork: Type ‘Google Bork‘ and click “I’m Feeling Lucky”.
  • To View Google Pirate: Type ‘Google Pirate‘ and click “I’m Feeling Lucky”.
  • To View Google Chav: Type ‘Google Chav‘ and click “I’m Feeling Lucky”.

13.Google Elgoog
Type "elgoog" and clicl on 'I'm Feeling Lucky'. This will make everything seems opposite.

Hope you enjoy trying this cool Google tricks. Do not forget to comment your favorite trick.
And Don't forget to Share with your friends.

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