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12 Good Reasons to Drink Beer

Beer is likely the oldest alcoholic beverage ever consumed in human history. It is the third largest drink after water and tea. People normally opt to drink beer with certain meals in North America and Europe. Beer has a greater protein and vitamin B content than wine, while its antioxidant content is equivalent to that of wine. Hops, a major component of brewing beer, is rich sources of flavonoids, which is potent antioxidants.
Beer contains certain minerals that play essential roles in various metabolic processes. If taken in moderate quantities, beer can definitely encourage your health in a number of ways.
Here are 12 reasons why beer is good for you...

1. Makes your bones stronger
Moderate consumption of beer increases the bone density decreasing the risk of fractures and osteoporosis. A 2009 study found higher levels of silicon in beer can be good for your bone density.

2. Makes you look younger (anti-aging property)
Beer increases the effectiveness of vitamin E, which is a major antioxidant in our body. Vitamin E helps to maintain healthy skin.

3. Good for your kidney
Researchers in Finland found that each bottle of beer a man drink daily lowers his risk of developing kidney stones by 40 percent. The researchers can’t exactly explain the link, but speculate that a high fluid intake not only makes for an excessive number of trips to the bathroom, but could also keep the kidneys functioning properly.
 Additionally, the researchers say the hops in beer may be responsible for the correlation, helping to slow the release of calcium from bone—which could get reabsorbed by the kidneys as painful stones.

4. Boost immune system
According to an Oregon Health & Science University study having one or two drinks a day might boost your immune system and fight infections.
Scientists vaccinated monkeys against smallpox, and then gave some of the primates access to alcohol while others could drink sugar water. The monkeys who drank moderately had better vaccine responses than those who consumed the sweet stuff.But the animals that drank heavily had less of a response to the vaccine than those who kept their habit under control. So you knew how much to drink.

5. Lowers the blood pressure
High blood pressure leads to various health problems, but beer can decrease the risk of hypertension, study suggests.
In a research Harvard researchers found that moderate beer drinkers are less likely to develop high BP than those who sip wine or cocktails.

6. Improves vision
A Beer a day could keep the eye doctor away. Canadian researchers found that one daily beer (especially a lager or stout) increases antioxidant activity that can stop cataracts from forming
 in the eyes. 
Remember:  The scientists found an opposite effect in participants who had three or more drinks a day.

7. Prevent type 2 Diabetes
A study conducted by the Dutch researcher has linked moderate beer consumption to less risk of
type 2 diabetes.

8. Prevents Anemia
Vitamin B12 and folic acid containing the beer helps to prevent the anemia. Vitamin B12 is also essential for maintaining normal growth, good memory and concentration.

9. Stress Buster
 Like other alcohols, beer is shown to reduce stress, and facilitates sleep.

10. Lowers the cholesterol
Beer (especially dark beer) contains soluble fiber. Fiber helps to lower the bad type of cholesterol.

11. Rich history
Beer has a rich history: It’s one of the oldest beverages that humans have produced. The Ebla tablets, which date back to c. 2500 BCE in Mesopotamia, reveal that brewing beer was a popular occupation for women. Beer made from baked barley bread was part of the daily diet of Egyptian Pharaohs.

12. Beer hydrates the body
Researchers in a recent study even recommended “moderate consumption” of beer as part of an athlete’s diet. It hydrates slightly better than water.

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