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French Photographer Captures The Most Intimate Moments In Couple Relationships

While you may believe that true love only happens in fairytales, Maud Chalard’s photography may inspire you to question this notion. She is a French photographer who captures intimate moments in couples’  relationships.

These moments of intimacy are most often shared privately and are never witnessed by outsiders. Only when the doors are closed can these lovers truly be themselves.

“I try to capture the deep feeling of love and share hope with the generation who thinks love is lost,” Chalard told Aplus. Maybe because we rarely get to see this kind of affection in public, these photos are a perfect reminder that love is, in fact, all around us.
If you loved these photos as much as we did, be sure to check out Chalard’s Facebook for more.

More info: Facebook Tumblr (h/t: aplus)

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