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Pot is Legal in these Countries

Czech Republic: 

Cannabis is legal in this European nation that allows its ownership up to 15 grams. It has been authorized for restorative use on (Prescription) medicine following 2013.


Developing Marijuana for individual utilization by grown-ups is lawful as indicated by Switzerland laws. In any case, exchanging pot is viewed as a criminal offense.

North Korea: 

Shockingly, expending and exchanging weed is legitimate in the 'People's Republic of Korea'. It is generally directed by this socialist nation.


Those more than 18 years old are permitted to purchase Marijuana with a condition that they ought to be approved inhabitants of the nation. Along these lines, making its utilization legitimate in this South American nation.


In the same way as other South American countries, even Argentina has made utilization of Marijuana lawful. It is legitimate for utilization in little amounts furthermore for therapeutic reasons.


Utilization of Marijuana was decriminalized in 2013 in this island nation. In this way, one is permitted to utilize it for particular reasons.


Ownership of just five grams of marijuana is permitted which is not even an ounce. Ownership of bigger sums is still a culpable offense.

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