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Crazy Lion Plays Fetch Like a Dog - Video

We know a lot of dogs who want to be lions, but the other way around?

We all know dogs like to play fetch but when you think of lions playing  fetch it doesn't really spring to mind.

Well this lion's name is Surabhi and she likes to play her own version of fetch .
Let's see the game...

Goalkeeper Celebrates Way Too Early, Regrets Immediately

Never celebrate too early.

And the same is proven by a football match between two Thai teams, Bangkok Sports Club and Satri Angthong.

The two teams entered a penalty kick shootout and penalty ball hits the crossbar and fly upwards toward the sky, and the defending goalkeeper runs off in celebration.

But as the ball comes back down and bounces back into the goal as the goalie scuttles back in vain, unable to rescue it.

Just watch it happening...

What Happens One Hour After Drinking A Can Of Coke

Soda drinks are considered a major contributor to health conditions such as obesity, type 2 diabetes and tooth decay. But have you ever wondered exactly what these beverages do to your body after consumption? 
A 12-ounce serving of Coca-cola contains approximately 10 teaspoons of sugar.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), around half of the US population drink sugary beverages on any given day, with consumption of these drinks highest among teenagers and young adults.

There are approximately 10 teaspoons of added sugar in a single can of cola. The World Health Organization recommend consuming no more than 6 teaspoons of added sugar daily, meaning drinking just one serving of cola a day could take us well above these guidelines.

As such, it is no surprise that sugary drink consumption is associated with an array of health conditions. According to the Harvard School of Public Health, people who drink 1-2 cans of sugary beverages daily are 26% more likely to develop type 2 diabetes, and last month, Medical News Today reported on a study claiming 184,000 global deaths each year are down to sugary drink consumption.

Let's see how much damage a 330 ml can of Coca-Cola can do to the body within 1 hour of consumption.


Coca-Cola 'comparable to heroin' in how it stimulates the brain's reward and pleasure centers.
10 teaspoon of sugar hit your system. (100% of your recommended daily intake)
You don't immediately vomit  from the overwhelming sweetness because phosporic acid cuts the flavour allowing you to keep it down.


Blood sugar levels increase dramatically within 20 minutes of drinking the Cola, causing a burst of insulin. The liver then turns the high amounts of sugar circulating our body into fat.

Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the Cola, causing a dilation of pupils and an increase in blood pressure. By this point, the adenosine receptors in the brain have been blocked, preventing fatigue.


Five minutes later, production of dopamine has increased - a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. The way Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin, making us want another can.


The phosporic acid binds calcium, magnesium and zinc in your lower intestine, providing a further boost in metabolism. This is compounded by high dose of sugar and artificial sweetners also increasing the urinary excretion of calcium.

The caffeine's diuretic properties come into play. it makes you have to pee. It is now assured that you'll evacuate the bonded calcium, magnesium and zinc that was headed to your bones as well as sodium, electrolyte and water.


As the rave inside of you dies down you will start to have a sugar crash. You may become irritable and, or sluggish. you have also now, literally pissed away all the water that was in the coke. but not before infusing it with valuable nutrients your body could have used for things like having the ability to hydrate your system or build strong bones and teeth.

Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine. Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity.
However a small amount now and then won't do any major harm. The key is moderation.

5 Daily Habits That Are Causing You to Gain Weight

Even if you exercise daily and avoided fast food and candy for a long time but still can't lose weight. Many people don't realize their daily habits are preventing them from getting their dream figure.
We have collected 5 daily habits that you should give up right now.

1. You sleep too much

With too little sleep, your body is more likely to produce the stress-response hormone cortisol which increases your appetite. However, oversleeping might not be much better for you either. 
According to a recent study conducted by PLOS One journal, sleeping more than 10 hours a night can lead to a higher body mass index. It’s no wonder that doctors recommend getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep every day.

2. You get ready in the dark

Open the blinds or curtains immediately after waking up. One study in the journal PLOS One found that blue light waves from the early morning sun boost your metabolism and help your body wake up. Even 20 to 30 minutes of daylight is enough to affect your body mass index.

3. You don’t make your bed

It may sound strange, but it’s true. A study by the US National Sleep Foundation revealed that people who reported making their beds also reported better sleep overall. After all, healthy sleep is the optimal way toward a healthy weight.

4. You forget to weigh yourself

Researchers from Cornell University proved that daily weighing is a successful technique that encourages weight loss. The best time to step on the scale is first thing in the morning before eating or drinking anything. Since you lose water weight overnight, you’ll get the most accurate number.

5. You eat too little for breakfast 

Researchers from Tel Aviv University insist that you should pamper yourself with a delicious meal in the mornings. In fact, a balanced breakfast that contains 600 calories of lean protein, carbohydrates, and some dessert will make it easier for you to follow your daily diet plan.

How to Fall Asleep In Just One Minute

If you have anxiety, stress problem and difficult to fall asleep because of these problems then you are not alone. Many people suffer from sleep related problem commonly known as insomania. If you find difficulty in getting sleep and stay  asleep, try this to calm down your nerves and get some good sleep.

1. Breathe calmly through your nose for 4 seconds.
2. Hold your breath for 7 seconds.
3. Breathe out slowly through your mouth for 8 seconds.
It’s really that simple. It may sound crazy, but it really works. It’s called the ’4-7-8′ method. This is what you need to do:

How it works

When you’re stressed or anxious, the amount of adrenaline in your blood increases, and your breathing gets faster and lighter. This breathing exercise acts as a kind of sedative. Deliberately slowing down your breathing in this way forces the rhythm of your heart to slow down, making you calm very quickly; it’s simple physiology!The same exercise helps to calm down your mind, too, simply because it makes you concentrate entirely on your breathing. You don’t realize it, but at this moment your central nervous system gradually reduces its activity, and feelings of anxiety disappear. Any neurologist can confirm this for you.The result is that your whole body relaxes. In terms of the speed and strength of the physical effect it has, the exercise is similar to an anaesthetic. It was investigated by Harvard medical doctor Andrew Weil, who found that the ’4-7-8′ method has been well-known to Indian yogi for several centuries. They use it during meditation practice in order to achieve a state of complete relaxation. It’s safe to say, therefore, that it’s completely harmless.How it can be useful to you, specificallyIf you wake up late at night because something’s bugging you, for example, it will help. The same goes for when you’re feeling nervous ahead of a competition or an important life event. The ’4-7-8′ method is guaranteed to let you get the rest you need!

For better effect you can use this "sleeping potion":

To relax your mind and body before bedtime, mix together

1/4 tablespoon of honey1/8 tablespoon sea salt1 tablespoon of coconut oilYou can just swallow this mixture as it is or add it into a glass of warm water — the effect would be the same.This ingredients will not only have a great effect on your health but will also reduce cortisol spikes which impede your ability to sleep and wake you up at night.

20 Signs You Have Found Your Perfect Boyfriend

Life’s journey simply becomes more enjoyable, exciting and fulfilling when you have Mr. Right by your side.  But who is the ideal man, and how do you know that you have found him? While every woman has a different definition of what her “perfect” guy would be, these are 20 solid signs to indicate that your boyfriend is for keeps.

1. He appreciates who you are.

You are unique and wonderful in your own way. Whether you wake up the neighborhood with your bathroom singing or like solving Sudoku puzzles in the middle of the night, he accepts you exactly the way you are. He doesn’t want to change anything about you.

2. He keeps his promises.

It can be extremely annoying when a guy insists that he will do something, but never gets around to do it. A true gentleman doesn’t backtrack on his words, but walks the talk. You rest assured that he only makes commitments that he intends to keep.

3. He stands by you.

He may not agree with your every decision, but supports the choices you make. He is there for you in success and in failure, in health and in sickness, in laughter and in tears.

4. He gives you space.

Psychologists say that having privacy in a relationship is more important than sex. The perfect boyfriend allows you enough me-time, and doesn’t try to sneak a peek into your personal diary. He doesn’t want you to lose the “I” in the “We.”

5. He is not jealous or insecure.

Did she just check him out? Who is that guy who texted her in the middle of the night? What is she doing on a Saturday night without me? Nope, this man doesn’t waste time on such silly questions. He trusts you and is certain that you trust him.

6. He gets along with your family.

You don’t need to fret when it comes to meeting the family. The perfect guy puts on his best behavior in front of your parents and tries to befriend your sibling. Dream come true when he comfortably fits in with your family on thanksgiving dinners.

7. He is interesting.

Life is too short to be thinking of other things when he is talking. Whatever his interests and passions, he is exciting and fun to be around. In fact, he will introduce you to a side of life that you haven’t seen before. I know someone who had never parasailed, driven a motorbike or been to an opera before she met her boyfriend.

8. He favors mature arguments.

Let’s face it: Any two people will have different opinions and perspectives, inevitability leading to occasional arguments. But he focuses on the point in hand, through rational level-headed conversations. No blame game, dear.

9. He makes you feel beautiful.

You don’t have to be Scarlet Johansson or Angelina Jolie to feel pretty. When you are with him, you feel like the most attractive woman on Earth. He treats you like his princess, and rightfully so.

10. He is game to try your adventures.

The real guy accompanies you to the middle of Wisconsin because you threw a dart on the US map blindfolded and wanted to go there. He doesn’t complain; instead, he finds joy in being part of your bucket list.

11. He expresses his love.

He’s pretty much on top of his game when it comes to sweeping you off your feet, yet again. True to his own style, sometimes that can mean preparing a home cooked meal, surprising you at the airport or simply saying “I love you.

12. He is your superhero.

When in danger, you can count on him to help. He will prevent your handbag from being stolen by a hoodlum. He will make sure you get home safe on a late night. He will come to your rescue in the middle of a riot. Most importantly, he is also smart enough to stay alive while being chivalrous and heroic.

13. He makes every effort to wipe away your tears.

You happiness is of utmost importance to him. In your moments of downtime, he tries to be funny, sexy or Superman, or pretty much anything that will bring a smile on your face.

14. He wants to introduce you to his friends.

Hiding you from his close pals and deliberately being “single” on Facebook can mean a red flag. A man in love wants you to be part of his social life and show you off to friends, because he thinks you are great.

15. He respects his mother.

Pay attention to his relationship with his mother, for it speaks volumes. A man who has a deep regard for his mother (different from a Mama’s boy) is most likely to respect and admire you, as well.

16. He is irresistibly attractive, to you.

Women have varied opinions when it comes to who they find sexy, cute and handsome. As long as you find him eye-catching and can’t help but wishing to be in his arms, you are going the right way.

17. He is a source of inspiration.

Love is a motivation engine that drives you closer to your aspirations. The perfect boyfriend pushes your boundaries and inspires you to achieve the unimaginable. He understands that your dreams are of paramount importance, as are his. Plus, he’s got your back if you fall.

18. He is not a control freak.

Watch out for the guy who is overly generous about “constructive criticism,” has unrealistic expectations and wants to micromanage you. Who wants Hitler as a partner? Experiencing freedom in a relationship is not too much to ask for.

19. He is honest.

Forget the yes-man and people-pleaser. Truth is the foundation of a robust and lasting relationship. It saves you from unnecessary misunderstandings and helps build trust quickly.

20. He makes you a better person.

You are already amazing, but being with him brings out the best in you. It’s like having a personal male cheerleader! Your strengths are further amplified, and you think life just can’t get any better.
Remember that perfection doesn’t exist, but there is someone imperfectly perfect out there for you.

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10 Photographs That Can Scare The Shit Out Of Anyone

The paranormal has always been interesting for both skeptics and romantics. Some people believe in the supernatural, and others don’t. But sometimes simple photographs turn out to be very surprising.
We have collected 10 photographs, many of which cannot be explained. Maybe some of our readers will solve their mysteries?


The Cooper family mystery is still unsolved. The photo was taken during a celebration in their new house in Texas. At the moment the photograph was taken, the family didn’t see anything unusual. But the fact that someone is falling from the ceiling is undeniable.


This video got millions of views and provoked a serious debate: was it an earthquake or a poltergeist? In fact, it was much more simple: it was a commercial for the Malaysian movie Bangunan.


This is one of the most famous and controversial ghost pictures. It is believed that in this photo we see Dorothy Walpole, also known as "Brown lady." Her husband suspected her of cheating and imprisoned her in Raynham Hall for life. After Dorothy’s death, there have been numerous reports of seeing her ghost.


This photo made many sensitive people really scared. Seriously, you can clearly see a dancing demon on the patient’s bed, right? It turns out that the demon is nothing more than an illusion. What looks like the demon’s leg is the patient’s leg, the hip is the bed handrail, and the head with the upper part of the body is a bunch of medical waste.


This picture was taken on the oil tanker SS Watertown in 1924. There are many theories about the haunting faces in the water, but there is not even a single piece of proof. It is believed that they are the faces of James Courtney and Michael Meehan who died in a tragic accident.


This photo was taken in 1962, and nobody has managed to prove that it’s fake. In 1978, the Central Intelligence Agency declassified hundreds of documents concerning UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects). This photo was published among other materials.


This photo was taken by Mabel Chinnery in 1959. She and her husband were going to visit her mother in the cemetery, and Mabel wanted to take a picture of her husband in the car. After she printed the photo, she saw her mother in the back seat. There are various theories about this photo, but the truth is still unknown.


This photo was taken on a military fleet base in Somerset, England, in 1987. The woman was alone, but later she said she had been quite cold despite warm weather that day. She found someone else next to her in this picture. There is still no solid proof if this photo is real or fake.


A priest took a picture of the altar in Newby Church in North Yorkshire, England. You can clearly see a frightening ghost in the picture. Research has shown that the photo is real and hasn’t been altered.


Many people said that this photo was taken during a paranormal show in Japan. However, it turned out to be fake. The real video was found where it is clear that the girl just smiled for the camera.

Ladies, If You Shave Your Pubic Hair, Read This!

We all know that many women around the world shave the hair from the intimate zone, for quite a long time.

Yes, and a recent study has confirmed that the majority of women completely remove the hair from the intimate zone.

Unfortunately, this “method” has become a normal thing, but many women are not aware of the possible side effects.

Here’s what you need to know – in the “American Diary of Obstetrics and Gynecology”, the famous scientist Andrea De Maria says that ladies are not aware of the dangers of shaving pubic hair.

A recent study has revealed that 87% pay for a private haircut at a marvel salon and 90% shave their pubic hair.

She also warns that the skin in the genital area is very sensitive and prone to cuts and wound.

Many women feel tingling in the wake of shaving.

The area below the waist is full of sweat glands.

That means that the region is an ideal environment for bacterial growth.

Also, if the skin has little cuts, there is a great risk of infection.

This is also very important for you to know – the pubic hair is a characteristic hindrance of sexually-transmitted sicknesses.

Thank you for your time and don’t hesitate to click the share button at the end of the article. Thanks again and enjoy your day.

20+ Of The Best Beards From 2017 World Beard And Mustache Championship

The World Beard and Moustache Championships are quite possibly the best things ever to happen to facial hair. Since 1990, the semi-annual competition has turned growing and grooming into a high-class art form, and the 2017 edition just wrapped up in Austin, Texas, over the weekend.

Photographer Greg Anderson was on the scene taking portraits of the wildest and most wonderful entries, and here they are for your enjoyment. Be sure to vote for your favourites, and let us know which ones you might dare to try yourself.
